West Bay Athletic League Commissioners:
Commissioner: Theresa Smith, Harker - Theresa.Smith@harker.org
Vice Commissioner: Doug Sargent, Priory - dsargent@prioryca.org

Results, Questions, Comments, Suggestions: Email the Webmaster


The value of athletics has long been an accepted tenant of elementary school education which strives to develop each individual in a manner fostering growth of spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical characteristics.

The WBAL's mission is to develop-in mind, body and spirit-student athletes and school teams, who act with integrity and character, and compete with sportsmanship, purpose and pride; amd to safely and responsibly administer league contests conscientiously with respect for the games, teams, officials and member schools.

Compliance with League policies and consistent enforcement of sports policies and procedures are essential components for a successful league. League school model behaviors and standards for conduct for their student athletes, and should be consistent and accountable by strict adherence to this document.

The WBAL was organized to provide inter-scholastic competition for schools in the Mid-Peninsula area. Through its existence, the league members subscribe to and provide:

  ⇒ an opportunity for all students who wish to participate, to be members of a team organized wherever possible to the ability level of the individual participant;
  ⇒ uphold as prime importance the student athlete's health, welfare and safety;
  ⇒ a full selection of sports for both boys an girls so that each may participate, learn the game, strive to excel at their level by gaining the skills and abilities involved;
  ⇒ an opportunity for all participants to enjoy athletics and provide their parents, friends and peers the enjoyment of seeing them compete;
  ⇒ to provide quality interscholastic athletic competition;
  ⇒ for each team member to play in all games whenever possible;
  ⇒ for coaches to always realize the importance of their role as teacher, not only of sports, but of conduct and deportment in the field and floor at all times, good sportsmanship regardless of the game's outcome and show appreciation and respect for opponents as individuals of equal value;
  ⇒ to cultivate cordial and friendly relations among school through standards of sportsmanship;
  ⇒ for each player to use every opportunity to gain and increase self esteem, respect for all teammates, opponents, coaches and officials, and compete in a sportsmanlike manner;
  ⇒ an opportunity to use athletics as an important means of furthering school and team spirit;
  ⇒ an opportunity for all parents to demonstrate their endorsement of athletic co-education by exhibiting good sportsmanship, positive support and acceptable conduct without interference at all times;

Standings are updated as results are reported

All Girls Soccer schedules have been posted.

All Boys Basketball schedules have been posted.

All Football schedules have been posted.

All Softball schedules have been posted.